I was tasked with the digital visualization of the boxspring beds at Aukona, therefore we first needed a library of models and materials to use in future projects.
Aukona has 9 different fabric categories with over 140 color variants in total. Out of the 9 categories, 6 had to be made totally from scratch (- which were not as simple as just using a leather texture for leather).
While researching the subject I came across Allegorithmic's blog post "Your smartphone is a material scanner" in which the author Anthony Salvi explains his process behind scanning different surfaces with a simple setup.
At Aukona we tried to recreate his setup on a bigger scale to achieve more detailed fabrics by using larger samples. The "scanbox" has been built in-house. For the setup to work the inside had to be as dark as possible and have enough space to place the light source around the sample. A camera was placed on top and the only thing left to do was to rotate the light around the sample after every shot.


There were some problems regarding the setup that could have been optimized/easily fixed. Difficulties revolved around the camera's stability, having to move the light source manually as well as a lot of the fabrics not being perfectly flat.
Nonetheless two of the fabrics were saved with the Substance Suite. The rest of the fabrics including the weave patterns have been made from scratch in Substance Designer.